Hennessy Cognac XO 750ml
Since its founding in 1765, Hennessy has been guided by a passion to craft the world’s finest Cognacs – our drive to Never Stop. Never Settle. Hennessy Cognac is crafted with a strict set of standards defined by the Master Blender Renaud Fillioux de Gironde and handed down from generation to generation. However, when it comes to enjoying Cognac, we haven’t followed any rules since 1765.
The term XO was coined for this very Cognac by Maurice Hennessy in the 19th century, and it was first bottled in 1870 for family and friends. This blend is composed of over 100 eaux-de-vie from the Grande and Petite Champagne, Borderies and Fins Bois regions. A rich, spicy, complex and truly historical Cognac, destined to be had alongside a cigar.
Tasting Notes:
Nose – Rich and fruity palate with prunes, corinth raisins and sticky coffee pudding.
Palate – Dark chocolate and over-riped plums.
Finish – Spicy, vanilla-led finish with all kinds of dark fruits.
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